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Information to Support Parents

We have been asked by the DFE to share this information with you.

  • Parent Zone
    Parent Zone are the experts in digital family life. We provide support and information to parents, children and schools, working globally to help families to navigate the internet safely and confidently. We work with parents, schools, governments and businesses to study, understand and address the impact of emerging technologies on young people.

The School Nursing Team

School nurses work to improve health inequalities and address public health concerns to support children, young people, and their families to make an informed choice to improve their health and wellbeing. The school nursing teams offer support and a confidential service to children and young people with emotional health and wellbeing concerns, behaviour, continence, and growth concerns. Parents are also offered parent information sessions which cover the following topics: 

Healthy bladder, healthy bowel (Continence),

Promoting positive behaviour

Understanding and managing your child’s anxiety

These sessions provide the parents with knowledge and strategies to help them support their child.  Additionally, the school nursing service offer digital health and wellbeing questionnaires for years 7,9 and 11 to enable young people to identify concerns regarding their emotional and physical health. School nursing teams offer 1-1 support to children and young people to improve their health and wellbeing and offer supportive websites and a chat health texting service for young people and parents to contact if needing support and advice regarding a public health concern. Referrals to the school nursing service can be made via school, parents texting chat health, GPs, and other professionals. Further information is provided below:

Parent chat health texting service – 07520615382 (Leicestershire and Rutland)

                                                          07520615387 (Leicester City)

Chat Autism - 07312277097

Chat Health website link -

Health for Kids website link -

Health for Teens website link -

Health for Kids: Grownups link -

You can also keep up-to-date with the latest posts,advice and information by following our Health for Kids social platforms:

Twitter - @healthforkids1

Facebook - @healthforkids1

Instagram - @healthforkidsgrownups